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  1. {% block page_wishlist_overview_content %}
  2.     {% set link = seoUrl('', {'listId':}) %}
  3.         {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_wrapper %}
  4.         <div class="card wishlist-content-card" data-wishlist-id="{{ }}">
  5.             {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_wrapper %}
  6.                 <div class="card-body">
  7.                     {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_content %}
  8.                         {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_head %}
  9.                             {# Headline and social media buttons #}
  10.                             <div class="card-title" id="wishlist-list-headline">
  11.                                 {{}}
  12.                                 {% if config('CoeWishlistSw6.config.showSocialMediaButtons') %}
  13.                                     <span class="float-right wishlist-share {% if not page.activeList.public %} d-none {% endif %}" data-wishlist-share="true">
  14.                                         <a href="{{link}}" target="_blank" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ 'coe-wishlist.overview.tooltipShareFacebook'|trans }}"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/coewishlistsw6/icon-facebook.png')}}" class="custom-icon-xs" /></a>
  15.                                         <a href="{{link}}" target="_blank" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ 'coe-wishlist.overview.tooltipShareTwitter'|trans }}"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/coewishlistsw6/icon-twitter.png')}}" class="custom-icon-xs" /></a>
  16.                                         <a href="WhatsApp://send?text={{ page.metaInformation.metaTitle }} - {{ }}: {{link}}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ 'coe-wishlist.overview.tooltipShareWhatsapp'|trans }}"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/coewishlistsw6/icon-whatsapp.png')}}" class="custom-icon-xs" /></a>
  17.                                         <a href="mailto:receiver?subject={{ page.metaInformation.metaTitle }}&body={{ }}: {{link}}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{ 'coe-wishlist.overview.tooltipShareEmail'|trans }}"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/coewishlistsw6/icon-email.png')}}" class="custom-icon-xs" /></a>
  18.                                     </span>
  19.                                 {% endif %}
  20.                             </div>
  21.                         {% endblock %}
  22.                         {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_messages %}
  23.                             {# Messages like "this is a public list" or "please log in to save list" #}
  24.                             {% sw_include '@CoeWishlistSw6/storefront/page/wishlist/overview/messages.html.twig' %}
  25.                         {% endblock %}
  26.                         {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_add_manual_form %}
  27.                             {% if config('CoeWishlistSw6.config.showManualAddNoteForm') and not page.publicAccess %}
  28.                                 {# Form to manually add products by SKU and qty #}
  29.                                 {% sw_include '@CoeWishlistSw6/storefront/page/wishlist/overview/add-manual-form.html.twig' %}
  30.                             {% endif %}
  31.                         {% endblock %}
  32.                         {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_table %}
  33.                             <div class="card checkout-product-table">
  34.                                 {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_table_head %}
  35.                                     {# Table headlines#}
  36.                                     {% sw_include '@CoeWishlistSw6/storefront/page/wishlist/overview/content-table-header.html.twig' %}
  37.                                 {% endblock %}
  38.                                 {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_table_content %}
  39.                                     {# Table content#}
  40.                                     {% for note in page.activeList.notes %}
  41.                                         {% sw_include '@CoeWishlistSw6/storefront/page/wishlist/overview/content-table-item.html.twig' with{
  42.                                             lineItem: note.product,
  43.                                             note: note
  44.                                         } %}
  45.                                     {% endfor %}
  46.                                 {% endblock %}
  47.                                 {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_table_footer %}
  48.                                     {# Table Footer like "check all"-checkbox#}
  49.                                     {% sw_include '@CoeWishlistSw6/storefront/page/wishlist/overview/content-table-footer.html.twig' %}
  50.                                 {% endblock %}
  51.                             </div>
  52.                         {% endblock %}
  53.                         {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_add_to_cart %}
  54.                             {# Add to cart Button #}
  55.                             <div class="row add-to-cart-row" data-wishlist-cart-callbacks="true">
  56.                                 {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_add_to_cart_form %}
  57.                                     <form action="{{ path('frontend.checkout.line-item.add') }}" method="post" class="buy-widget" data-add-to-cart="true">
  58.                                         {{ sw_csrf('frontend.checkout.line-item.add')}}
  59.                                         <input type="hidden" name="redirectTo" value="frontend.cart.offcanvas">
  60.                                         {% block page_wishlist_overview_content_body_add_to_cart_button %}
  61.                                             <button class="btn btn-block btn-buy disabled"
  62.                                                     title="{{ "listing.boxAddProduct"|trans|striptags }}"
  63.                                                     disabled="disabled">
  64.                                                 {{ "listing.boxAddProduct"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  65.                                             </button>
  66.                                         {% endblock %}
  67.                                     </form>
  68.                                 {% endblock %}
  69.                             </div>
  70.                         {% endblock %}
  71.                     {% endblock %}
  72.                 </div>
  73.             {% endblock %}
  74.         </div>
  75.     {% endblock %}
  76. {% endblock %}